I’ve been working on a project that requires a MySQL database. Everytime I pull changes from the repository, I have to run the migrations and seed the database. The seeders contain thousands of rows of data and it takes almost an hour to finish. A colleague of mine noticed this and taught me a nice trick to speed up the database operations and that is to use the RAM disk which I’ll be sharing in this post.
Jun 20, 2018This past week I’ve been using Laravel at work and has been trying to apply Test Driven Development. My first step was to learn how to test the models which I’ll be demonstrating in this tutorial using Laravel 5.6. We’ll create a new project which has an Article model with attributes title, content and views.
Apr 4, 2018When I was just starting to learn Ruby on Rails, I had trouble setting up multiple associations with the same model due to my lack of understanding and reliance on Rail’s “magical” generators. Here I’ll show you how to implement it and analyze how it happens. On this example there are two models, User and TransferRequest. TransferRequest has attributes sender and receiver which are instances of User.
Feb 24, 2018This article is a compilation of what every developer learning AWS should do with their new account. I’ll demonstrate how to secure the root account by locking away the root user and applying all the best practices recommended by Amazon Web Services. I’ll also demonstrate how to install and configure the AWS Command Line Interface for development.
May 31, 2017Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first web sites. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to integrate Bootstrap on your Rails application. This tutorial is not for learning Bootstrap, if you want to learn Bootstrap, I recommend you visit this link.