AWS: What every developer should do with their new account
24 Feb 2018This article is a compilation of what every developer learning AWS should do with their new account. I’ll demonstrate how to secure the root account by locking away the root user and applying all the best practices recommended by Amazon Web Services. I’ll also demonstrate how to install and configure the AWS Command Line Interface for development.
Table of Contents
- Delete the root access keys.
- Activate MFA on the root account.
- Prefer an admin user over a root user.
- Setup the AWS CLI
Delete the root access keys.
Access keys are used to programatically access the AWS Services with your account. Root access keys have no restrictions and may fall to the wrong hands. There is no better way to prevent that by deleting it. Even if you are the only person in the world to have those access keys, there is a possibility that you may accidentally do something bad and irreversible to your account with root access. Practice granting any user even yourself with the least privilege. Below are the steps to delete the root access keys via AWS Management Console.
- Login to the AWS Management Console, then open Services then select IAM.
- Open the dropdown Security Status, then click Manage Secutiry Credentials.
- Click Continue to Security Credentials.
- Expand Access keys (access key ID and secret access key).
- Click the Delete button where the Status is Active.
- A popup will show up to confirm if you want to delete your access key. Since this is a new account, we probably haven’t used this access key and it won’t compromise anything so we’ll click Yes.
Root access keys can be created anytime however it isn’t recommended to be used unless really needed.
Activate MFA on your root account.
Enable Multi-Factor Authentication for the root account so that even if anyone finds out the account’s password, it won’t be compromised unless they also have access to the device that has the authentication code. I recommend using the Google Authenticator app as our virtual MFA. There are also other authenticators you can use like Authy 2-Factor Authentication.
- Download the Google Authenticator app here.
- Login to the AWS Management Console, then open Services then select IAM.
- Open the dropdown Activate MFA on your root account, then click the Manage MFA button.
- Select A Virtual Device, then click Next Step.
- A popup with a QR code will show up, scan it using your mobile phone. If you can’t scan it then click the show secret key for manual configuration and type the very long secret configuration key to the app manually.
- Type the six digit number displayed by your mobile device to the Authentication Code 1 box then wait up to 30 seconds for the device to generate a new number then type the next six digit number into the Authentication Code 2 box.
- Click Next Step, and the choose Finish.
The next time you login, the app will require you to enter an authentication code from the google authenticator.
Prefer an admin user over a root user.
We are trying to refrain from using the root user by creating an admin user as proxy. The admin user has less privileges than the root user but has enough to manage most of the AWS Services.
Create a group for Administrators.
There could be many administrators for a single AWS account. It is best practice to assign policies to a group instead of an individual user. If you ever want to revoke the user/users privilege as an admin then you’ll just have to remove that user from the group.
- Click Groups under the Dashboard.
- Click the Create New Group button.
- Enter the group name then click the Next Step button.
- Search for the AdmininstratorAccess policy, check it then click the Next Step button. Attaching this policy makes this group an Admin group.
- Review if the Group Name and the attached policy is correct. There should be arn:aws:iam:aws:policy/AdministratorAccess in the policies.
Create an admin user.
Below are the steps to create an admin user. It won’t cover securing it with MFA however it is still recommended to do it.
- Click Users under the Dashboard.
- Click Add user button. This will be a proxy for the root user.
- Enter Admin as the user name. Admin is just my recommended user name, any user name will do.
- Under the Select AWS access type, check both Programmatic access and AWS Management Console access.
- Select Custom password then enter the desired password. Since this user is just a proxy for the root user and I’ll be the only one using it then I don’t need an autogenerated password, however if I ever need to create another admin user for someone else then I’ll check both the Autogenerated password and Require password reset.
- Click the Next Permissons button.
- Under Add user to group tab, check the Administrators group then click the Next: Review button.
- Review the details of the user then click Create user button.
- Click Download .csv to download the access keys and store it in a safe secure place. This will be used to access your AWS account programatically.
Setup the AWS command line interface.
After downloading the access keys, the CLI should be configured to properly access AWS services programmatically.
Install AWS CLI from the command line.
pip install awscli --upgrade --user
Check if it was installed properly.
aws --version
Configure the AWS CLI with the downloaded access keys.
aws configure
It will ask for the Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, default region and the output format like below.
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: tYarnXUtnPUMA/B9MWAAK/bPxRfiCYEXAMPMCPIX
Default region name [None]: ap-southeast-1
Default output format [None]: json
The access key id and secret access key above are not real access keys so nobody can use those. The default region should be the region nearest to you, see Regions and Endpoints. The output format can be be left blank since json is the default format.
Run the command below to confirm if the AWS CLI was configured correctly.
aws iam get-user
The result should be similar to the code below.
"User": {
"UserName": "Admin",
"PasswordLastUsed": "2018-02-23T12:41:36Z",
"CreateDate": "2018-02-24T09:56:39Z",
"Path": "/",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/admin"
Now we can develop applications using the AWS services.