Installing Oracle JDK for MacOS via Homebrew

MacOS has OpenJDK installed by default however I prefer to use Oracle’s version of JDK because its the official version. I don’t want to install it the same way Oracle instructs it on their docs as I find it very tedious. I’m a guy who loves automating stuff so I prefer to install it via Homebrew. I frequently do a clean install on my Mac every time there is a new version of OSX so I have to install JDK again and again. I’d rather just run a single installation script instead of heading over to Oracle’s website and following their instructions.

How I install and configure Docker for my Mac via Homebrew

This is the best way I can come up with to install Docker on my Mac. I never liked manually downloading the “.dmg” file and then moving it to the Applications directory. I will be sharing in this post how I installed it via Homebrew while also configuring bash completion for Docker.

How I redirected all the web traffic for my old domain to the new one

I recently decided to change the domain name of my personal website from to because it is shorter and easier to remember. I don’t want visitors of to receive a 404 Not Found or any other error so I redirected all the traffic to In this article I’ll be sharing the steps I took to accomplish this.

Apache: Setup a virtual host on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

This guide is about setting up a virtual host on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with Apache as the web server. We’ll assume that we want to host a simple site where the domain name will be

Ruby on Rails: Capistrano for easy deployment and configuration to Ubuntu with Nginx and Puma

Capistrano is a tool written in ruby to automate the deployment of multiple versions of an application. In this post I’ll demonstrate how to use Capistrano to deploy and configure a Rails app to an Ubuntu Server with Nginx and Puma.